World Book Day - 7th March 2014

World Book Day

World Book Day is designed to help children explore the wonderful world of reading,
to develop their love of books and to celebrate books in general.

At St Michael's we will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 7th March.

Children are to bring in 50p to come dressed as a character from a book.

The money raised will be used to promote reading even further.

Throughout the day the children will be undertaking a range of book based activities
including sharing their favourite book with other children in the school.

The children will also each receive a £1 World Book Day token which can be swapped
for a free specially produced book or used against the purchase of any book
valued at £2.99 or more.


St. Michael's Catholic Primary Academy

Telford Gardens

T : 01902 556368
F : 01902 556370
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